EzRoadTrips app provides following services - 1) One can book a shared long-distance ride, currently operational in North-East India for selected routes, 2) One can also access trip plans created using our free road trip planner https://www.ezroadtrips.com for traveling anywhere in the world. In both the cases, the app provides detailed map with routes and destinations along with day-wise filtering and many more options.
EzRoadTrips应用程序提供以下服务 - 1)可以预订共享的长途旅行,目前在印度东北部为选定的路线运行,2)还可以访问使用我们的免费公路旅行计划者https:// www。 ezroadtrips.com在世界任何地方旅行。在这两种情况下,该应用程序提供详细的地图,包括路线和目的地以及日常过滤和更多选项。